In the course of studying the geology of the Canadian Rockies since 2003, Professor Emeritus Gilbert LaFreniere has developed a strong interest in the mammals of the region, particularly in relation to the Yellowstone to Yukon (Y2Y) Initiative. Observing the behavior of bears, wolves, bighorn sheep, elk, moose and other large mammals, Professor LaFreniere emphasizes the importance of maintaining and enlarging core ecosystems, corridors, and the number of large predators. His experience has been enriched by surprising experiences and first-hand accounts of human interaction with predators and ungulates in the Waterton Lakes, Kananaskis, and Banff areas. Brief descriptions of slides of his geological studies in each region are followed by animal slides and his accounts of animal behavior in each setting. Copies of LaFreniere's recent book, The Decline of Nature, will be available at the presentation.
This event is cosponsored by the Center for Sustainable Communities and the Department of Environmental and Earth Sciences.
Center for Sustainable Communities | Willamette University
900 State Street, Salem, Oregon 97301
503-370-6654 | afoust@willamette.edu
Image from Banf Travel.